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4709 Central Street
Kansas City, MO, 64112
United States


Jet Couture Jewels proudly offers designer handmade jewelry including one-of-a-kind necklaces, earrings bracelets and rings. You will marvel at our designs.


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Filtering by Tag: Casual

The Boho Chic Style


Are you a Bohemian? Love Boho Chic? As the designer at JetCouture Jewels, “Boho" is a big part of who I am.

Being a “Boho" is about living a free spirited life, being who we want to be and is characterized by a style of fashion that is flowing, easy and fabulous!  I love an Avante-garde, casual, artsy, colorful and eclectic look.  For a “Boho", accessories make the difference.  Each accessory worn by a “Boho”  is worn by a carefree soul with a little bit of a wild streak.  And, although I design for a variety of tastes, I am passionate about creating styles for women who aren’t trendy, but who want to express their own personal look.  It’s ok to “March to the beat of a different drummer.” I know I do!

Boho Look Jet Couture Jewels, Kansas City Country Club Plaza

Mary, JetCouture Jewels Designer
4709 Central St.
Kansas City, Missouri 64112
816 569 6544