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4709 Central Street
Kansas City, MO, 64112
United States


Jet Couture Jewels proudly offers designer handmade jewelry including one-of-a-kind necklaces, earrings bracelets and rings. You will marvel at our designs.


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Filtering by Tag: Hearts

Hearts: A Symbol of Love and Affection

Kasim Hardaway

Valentine's Day, Hearts Jet Couture Jewels

Valentine's Day is almost here! 

February 14 is the date that we set aside to specifically express our love to others, be that friends or family members.   All over the world, people exchange gifts on this day. In Finland, friendship love is the emphasis of the celebration.  In Japan, the men get all the attention.   Many believe that this holiday was initially started in honor of St. Valentine.  Today in our country, love notes, candy, flowers and jewelry are often the gifts of choice for any or all of those we love. 

And, hearts have become the symbol for Valentines Day. There are many theories on how hearts became the symbol ranging from the idea that the seed of a now extinct North African plant resembles the heart to the shape chosen because it resembles the female form.  In the US, hearts today have come to represent love, affection and sometimes romance. 

At Jet, we have handcrafted a Heart Jewelry Line with one of a kind designs in a variety of gemstones and metals.  Gift the special someones in your life with a heart from Jet. Your loved ones will know exactly what this symbol means to you and to them. 

Shop our Heart Jewels